Clay County Detention Center

Linda Smallwood - Jailer, Clay County Kentucky
  • Tuesday – Saturday: 9:00 AM – 2:40 PM
  • On-site visits are limited to 1 visit per week.
  • Virtual remote visits are $7.95 per visit and can be scheduled online at
  • Commissary days are Monday, Wednesday & Friday
  • Money must be transferred before 7:30 AM.
  • Money can be placed on an inmates account by Money Order (Payable to: CCDC Inmate Name)
  • Touch pay is available by calling 1-866-232-1899 (Locator Number 240962) or online at
  • and family may order food packages to be delivered to an inmate from
  • Friends and family can send ten (10) pictures from Shutterfly every three (3) months. Order online and address to inmate.
  • Books (paperback only) can be ordered from Amazon and addressed to inmate.
  • All mail will be photo copied. No originals are given.

Clay County Detention Center

Linda Smallwood

Jailer, Clay County Kentucky

The mission of the Clay County Detention Center is to provide a safe and well-maintained atmosphere while also providing for the care and custody of those incarcerated. Our duty is to house incarcerated offenders in a manner that protects the public and institutional safety while providing a legal standard of care and to provide programs intended to reduce the likelihood of re-incarceration. Our values include respect, responsibility, honesty, and caring for others and ourselves.


Welcome to the Clay County Detention Center website. We have a lot to be proud of here at CCDC. We strive for all who come into this facility to have a learning experience. Through programs dealing with substance abuse and criminal addictive behavior, partnerships with local churches, and GED programs, we are always giving inmates a better chance to succeed when they walk out our doors. Showing inmates a better way is a part of our job at CCDC.

I believe that everybody is somebody and I will treat everyone fairly with love and respect to their own particular needs. I believe that every individual should be given an opportunity to change. I pray that change will start here at CCDC. I hope you enjoy your visit to our website.


Untangling Relationships: This program directly confrontsĀ  the key issues of codependency including manipulation and dependent relationships.

Anger Management: Anger Management is designed to help clients recognize, overcome, and control anger. Inmates learn relaxation techniques, practice guided imagery scripts, and more.

Moral Reconation Therapy: MRT is a cognitive-behavioral treatment system that leads to enhanced moral reasoning, better decision-making, and more appropriate behavior. MRT is a type of behavioral therapy aimed at decreasing the likelihood of someone returning to abusing substances or alcohol.

MRT Mentor: The MRT mentoring program was designed to ensure a higher success rate for those who complete MRT (maintenance), those that are treatment resistant (help those that are new to MRT), and to change the culture of those who surround us (modeling positive change). A per-requisite for MRT mentoring is completion of the MRT program.

Parenting & Family Values: This program is designed to help participants develop parenting skills and assess values related to family issues and relationships.

Thinking for Good: This program is designed to directly address specific thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs typically held by offenders, addicts, criminals, and people that perform anti-social behaviors.

Breaking the Chains of Trauma: This program is targeted toward individuals struggling with trauma-related symptoms.

GED: Inmates can work to complete their General Educational Development (GED) test, an alternative to a high-school diploma.

Clay County Detention Center Staff

Tasha Dezarn (Class D Coordinator / Administrator), Linda Smallwood (Jailer), Katrina Smith (Administrative Assistant), Brandon Swafford (Chief Deputy)